Author: yshing88
•8:30 PM
好久都没回来这里看看了~ 部落格,你还好吗?嘻嘻
最近发现自己 原来也是一格旅游爱好者
刚完成一个旅程 又打算下一个旅程~好吧~那就 随心所欲 随梦想起飞吧~!!
Author: yshing88
•6:42 AM



是因为 厌倦了一层不变的发型




一层不变的一切 一切

为什么会突然厌倦了呢?? 曾经不是也很喜欢这样平凡,平淡的自己吗?

为什么会突然想改变呢? 呵呵 我也不懂~~

我觉得很多人也会和我一 头发长了, 看厌了, 想改变了, 可是就是不懂能作什么改变

想烫发 可是怕烫了发后会后悔 怕烫发会让自己看起来更成熟 又怕会把头发烫坏了

想染发 可是又不知该然什么颜色

想洒脱一点 直接把头发给剪短了 可是又害怕等待头发长长的时间

到最后 就只能把头发修一修 剪一剪 只是让它整齐了一点点


结果还是一样 不久后 又开始厌倦自己的一层不变

所以 我的三千丝烦恼 就这样的 循回 再循回 循回 再循回….

没有解决的一天 这就是我--- 一个矛盾的我

Author: yshing88
•1:57 AM
28 july
Morning class was cancel. I do my BBI homework since i wake up until noon..Around 3pm when i wanna prepare go to attend the BBI class, suddenly i received a news-- UPM wil close for 1 week due to AH1N1.
Really shock bout this news.. i still keep walking into campus but already felt something abnormal there. When i reached my faculty, i received a call that told me already certify about this news is true and also told me all the class after 3pm was cancel.
i walk back to my house then think about what should i do and when should i go back to my hometown. after discussed with my housemate we decided go back at tomorrow morning.
This unexpected holiday already disturb all my plans.. haizz..really not like this feel!! But i cant change anything .. faint~~